Is Blogging Dead? The Surprising Answer and How You Can Thrive

Abang Edwin SA
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash

In a world dominated by social media snippets and fast-paced content, many wonder if blogging is still relevant. While the “golden age” of blogging might be considered by some to be over, it’s crucial to recognize that blogging has not only survived, but has also thrived by adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.

From Diaries to Diverse Content:

Early blogs were primarily online journals, offering personal reflections and updates. Today, blogs encompass a vast spectrum of formats and cater to diverse niches. Informative guides, in-depth tutorials, insightful reviews, engaging opinion pieces, and creative formats like poems and stories are just a few examples of the diverse content landscape within the modern blogosphere.

Multimedia Makes its Mark:

Text-only blogs still hold their own, but incorporating multimedia elements like images, videos, infographics, and podcasts has become essential for grabbing attention and enriching the reading experience. Imagine a travel blog without captivating photos, a food blog without mouthwatering recipe videos, or a tech blog without insightful video demonstrations. The impact of multimedia storytelling is undeniable.

Expertise and Value Take Center Stage:

While personal stories and opinions continue to have a place, a shift towards providing valuable information, insights, and expertise relevant to the chosen niche is undeniable. Whether it’s a fashion blog sharing styling tips, a business blog offering marketing advice, or a science blog delving into complex concepts, the focus on providing value to the reader is paramount.

Adapting to Thrive:

So, how can you make your blog thrive in this dynamic environment? Here are some key takeaways:

  • Know your audience: Tailor your content to resonate with their specific needs and interests.
  • Embrace your niche: Become an expert in your chosen area and stand out from the crowd.
  • Prioritize quality: Invest in well-researched, informative, and engaging content.
  • Master SEO: Optimize your blog for search engines to attract organic traffic.
  • Be multimedia savvy: Utilize visuals, audio, and other elements to enhance your content.
  • Connect on social media: Promote your blog and actively engage with your audience on these platforms.
  • Embrace data and adapt: Track your blog’s performance and adapt your strategy based on insights.

By embracing these adaptations and staying true to the core principles of content creation, community building, and niche expertise, bloggers can continue to captivate their audience, establish themselves as thought leaders, and achieve their blogging goals, whatever they may be.

Examples of Thriving Modern Blogs:

  • Nerdwriter1 (YouTube channel/vlog): Blending pop culture analysis with philosophical insights.
  • Cup of Jo (lifestyle blog): Offering inspiration and advice for everyday living.
  • The Kitchn (food blog): Sharing delicious recipes and kitchen tips.
  • Backlinko (SEO blog): Providing actionable SEO strategies and insights.

These are just a few examples of the many successful blogs that have embraced the evolution of blogging and continue to thrive in the digital age. So, is blogging dead? Not by a long shot. It’s simply evolved into a more diverse, dynamic, and powerful tool for anyone with a story to tell, a passion to share, or a message to convey.

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Abang Edwin SA

Observer, Content Creator, Blogger (Obviously), Ghostwriter, Design Thinker, Trainer and also Lecturer for Product Design Dept at Podomoro University