The Case for Decentralized AI: How SingularityNET is Paving the Way for a Safer Future

Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin
4 min readJul 23, 2024

Imagine a world where artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, AI assists us in countless ways. Now, picture this same world, but with all of this AI power concentrated in the hands of a select few corporations or governments. Sounds a bit unsettling, doesn’t it?

This is the future that SingularityNET, a pioneering blockchain-based AI platform, is working tirelessly to prevent. Founded by the visionary AI researcher Ben Goertzel, SingularityNET is built on a simple yet powerful premise: AI should be decentralized to ensure it remains safe and beneficial for all of humanity.

But why is centralized AI so dangerous? Let’s paint a picture.

Picture a world where a single tech giant controls the most advanced AI systems. This company decides what information you see, what products you buy, and even influences your political views. Sounds like science fiction? It’s closer to reality than we might think.

In 2016, we saw how centralized control of information could potentially sway elections. Now, imagine that power amplified a hundredfold by advanced AI. The potential for manipulation and control becomes staggering.

Or consider healthcare. If life-saving AI diagnostics are controlled by a single entity, who decides who gets access? The highest bidder? Those in power? The implications are chilling.

This is where SingularityNET’s vision of decentralized AI shines like a beacon of hope.

Picture instead a world where AI is like a public utility — accessible to all, controlled by none. A world where a cancer researcher in Nigeria has the same access to cutting-edge AI tools as a tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. Where AI systems collaborate and evolve transparently, guided by a diverse global community rather than the profit motives of a few.

This is the world SingularityNET is striving to create. By building a decentralized marketplace for AI services, they’re democratizing access to AI technology. Anyone can publish their AI services on the platform, and anyone can use them.

Sophia — photo by Ben Goertzel

Take the example of Sophia, the famous humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics. Sophia’s AI brain is being developed on the SingularityNET platform, allowing developers worldwide to contribute to and benefit from her evolving intelligence.

Or consider the potential in healthcare. A small clinic in a remote village could access the same advanced diagnostic AI as a major hospital in a big city, potentially saving countless lives.

The beauty of this decentralized approach is that it harnesses the collective intelligence of a global community. It’s like the difference between a single author writing a book and a worldwide collaborative effort like Wikipedia. The latter, while not perfect, taps into a vastness of knowledge and perspectives that no single entity could match.

Moreover, a decentralized AI ecosystem is inherently more resistant to misuse. If one AI service starts behaving maliciously, the community can quickly identify and isolate it. It’s a self-correcting system, much like our immune system fights off infections.

As we stand on the brink of an AI revolution, the path we choose now will shape the future of humanity. SingularityNET’s vision of decentralized AI offers a path towards a future where AI enhances human potential rather than replaces or controls it.

Sophia & Ben Goertzel

In the words of Ben Goertzel, “The future of AI should be open, decentralized, and beneficial to all of humanity.” Through SingularityNET, this future is not just a possibility — it’s already taking shape.

The choice is ours. Will we allow AI to become a tool of centralized power, or will we embrace a future where AI is a shared resource, enhancing the collective intelligence and capabilities of all humanity? SingularityNET is betting on the latter, and they’re inviting all of us to join in creating this brighter, decentralized future.

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Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin

Observer, Content Creator, Blogger (Obviously), Ghostwriter, Design Thinker, Trainer and also Lecturer for Product Design Dept at Podomoro University