Vision Pro: Hype Machine or Innovation Engine?

Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin
3 min readFeb 5, 2024
Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Social media has exploded with the recent launch of Vision Pro in Apple stores. Everywhere I look, timelines are flooded with updates showcasing how Apple users are seamlessly integrating the device into their daily lives. As an observer, this whirlwind of excitement surprised me. Seeing Vision Pro take center stage almost creates the illusion that VR technology is a brand-new discovery, with Vision Pro as its groundbreaking pioneer. But seasoned tech enthusiasts know this isn’t the whole story. VR technology has been around for quite some time, and we all remember the buzz surrounding the release of Oculus by Meta. While significant, that excitement doesn’t quite match the fever pitch surrounding Vision Pro today.

VR: A Journey Before Vision Pro

Let’s rewind. Remember the buzz surrounding Oculus, released years ago by Meta? The excitement for that pioneering VR headset was palpable, paving the way for immersive experiences and igniting imaginations. While not on the same scale as Vision Pro’s current hype, it marked a significant step in VR’s journey.

So, why the amplified buzz for Vision Pro?

Several factors contribute to the current fervor:



Abang Edwin Syarif Agustin

Observer, Content Creator, Blogger (Obviously), Ghostwriter, Design Thinker, Trainer and also Lecturer for Product Design Dept at Podomoro University